Son of the Fallen Detailed Transcript

Episode 2.5 Son of the Fallen

Original air date August 6, 2015

Detailed transcript based on closed captioning found at

Previously on Dominion

[Gates and Claire escaping from Briathos]

Claire – We created the V-system so that everyone had a job to do, but they have no way out.
Gates – Zoe is a problem that I can’t solve. Now we have an enemy in our own walls?

David – How many rebels do you have, a hundred? With my help, you will have thousands.
Riesen – Alex, what is that?

Alex – A nuclear bomb.
Julian – Oh, it’s worse.
Noma – How do you have one of the Amphorae?

Julian – I can use it to kill Gabriel and Michael and their whole family.
Michael – I can’t save you, but there is someone I can. Alex, the boy is like a son. He needs me.
Gabriel – Maybe sparing Claire, Vega, your unborn baby was too much to offer.
Gabriel – New Delphi is a dangerous place for you to go alone, Michael. You’re strong, but –

Michael – Will you go with me? As my brother?

Gabriel – Fighting on the same side? Hmm, be careful. You might like it.

[In New Delphi chaos erupts as a body is thrown from several stories up down into the middle of the merchant area and Michael strolls in and unfurls his wings. An alarm sounds. Cut to Julian’s quarters]

Julian – Oh, that’ll be Gabriel. He’s come back for you, Alex, and after he kills you, he’ll go on killing every other human alive, including the ones in Vega you’ve been fighting so hard to protect. Is that what you want?

[Another body falls into the merchant area, and another and another, Cut back to Julian’s quarters]

Julian – I’m not your enemy, Alex.
Alex – Prove it. Tell me how to trap Gabriel in New Delphi, so I can kill him.
Julian – I’ll be glad to once you return the Amphora to me.
Noma – Or I could open this up. Release God’s wrath on all of us.
Riesen- We don’t even know who we’re talking , the angel or the human.
Julian – Technically, as a dyad, you’re talking to both. We’re fused, remember?

[Back in the merchant area, bodies continue to fall as chaos grows. Michael silently strolls through the throng. He smiles at a corpse]

Julian – Look, we all want Gabriel dead. I don’t see why we can’t work together on this.
Noma – He does have an army, Alex.
Alex – Yeah, of eight-balls that we can’t trust. Fortunately, your Amphora will destroy every living thing in this city, including Gabriel. See, Julian? We’re willing to die to kill Gabriel to end this war between angels and humans. Question is, are you?

[Bodies continue to hit the floor from above the merchant area. It is literally raining eight-balls. We see it is Gabriel, who is tossing over the railing any eight-ball who charges at him.]

Julian – All right. May I? [He stands up and walks over to a table. An Ipad is on it. He pulls up a map] At the far end of the trading floor, there’s an old medical facility. A caduceus marks the entrance. Winged staff, snakes.
Riesen – [coughing so hard that Noma is visibly concerned] Oh, is that – You mentioned a trap before. Is this the trap? [coughs]

Julian – It’s more of a secure space with the weapons necessary to capture Gabriel so that my men can go to work on him. I call it “the inner sanctum,” and it is our best shot.
Noma – Best shot? I’m afraid you’re gonna have to do better than that.
Julian – Well, no one’s killed an archangel before, so there are certain risks involved. But history always needs a first, eh, Alex?

Alex – Tell your men to be ready.
[Julian nods in understanding. Alex grabs a sword. Noma is concerned]

Noma – Alex, are you sure about this? [Alex grabs her head and kisses her]

Alex- No.
[Riesen coughs and Julian makes note of his condition. Alex leaves]

[Cut to the floor of the merchant area. Michael is surveying the carnage. Dead bodies everywhere. Cut to Alex walking through the carnage. He hears a sound and turns, his sword drawn. Michael lands in front of him. Alex is visibly stunned.]

Michael – Hello, Alex.

[Flashback. The corridors of Vega. Two boys are chasing a young Alex]

Bully 1 – You better run.

Bully 2 – We’re gonna get you.
Bully 1 – We’re gonna kick your ass.

[The bullies catch up to him and throw him against the wall. They start to beat him up. Someone walks down the corridor.]
Michael – Leave the boy alone!

Bully – Come on, let’s go. Let’s get out of here. Let’s go! [Bullies run away. Alex is laying on the ground, groaning in pain. Michael offers him a hand. Alex accepts it.]

Michael – Are you hurt? More rations for them if you’re dead.
Alex – Who are you?

Michael – Someone who wants you to live through the night.
[Back to the present day]

Alex – Where have you been?

Michael – I’m sorry, Alex.
Alex – Sorry? You just took off.
Michael – I had to leave. To protect you.
Alex – Protect me from what?

Michael – From me.
Alex – Well, a lot happened while you were away. Noma and I survived the aerie. Made it all the way to New Delphi. Hell, we even captured a dyad.
Michael – A dyad?

Alex- Yeah, Julian.
Michael – Alex, a dyad is far stronger than any eight-ball. Julian will want the markings for himself. Please, you must come with us.
Alex- Who is us?

Michael – Gabriel.
Alex [drawing his sword] – You came here with Gabriel?

Michael – He promised me he won’t harm you, Alex.
Alex – Michael, you have no idea what he put me through in the aerie.
Michael – Julian is the one you need to worry about. Please come with me.
Alex – No. You want to help me? Just stay out of my way. [Alex turns and leaves]
[Back at Julian’s residence…]

Riesen [to Noma, who is holding the Amphora] – Get that thing out of here.
Noma – Where would I even hide it?

Riesen – You got wings, don’t you? [Noma leaves. Looking at Julian,Riesen points a gun at him] – You call out to your guards, I’ll put a bullet in your skull.
Julian – Have to say I’m flattered. Edward Riesen, the once mighty general of Vega ordered to babysit me.
Riesen – I don’t take orders from anyone.
Julian – Well, take a seat. You need the rest.
Riesen – I prefer to stand. Thanks.
Julian – Oh, come on, Edward. The coughing, the sweating. You’re short of breath. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were suffering from a serious medical condition. What what is the number one killer of men? Oh, yes, heart disease. After angels, of course.
Riesen – Been a long time since I killed an angel. The more you talk, the more I miss it.
Julian – Well, I’m only part angel, remember. Part of me is just like you, Edward. But unlike you, I’m not gonna die. Though, uh, I do get thirsty. [He points over to some bottles. Riesen allows him to get up out of his chair and go to them. He starts to pour a drink] What if I were to tell you I could make you a dyad like me? Once possessed, the body stops aging. Stops dying. And your human spirit can live in beautiful symbiosis with an angel who’ll provide the strength and vitality that you sorely lack. Oh, come on, Edward. Just think about it? I mean, I’d hate to see a great warrior like you die of a broken heart. [He places a glass of a clear liquid in front of Edward.]
Riesen – There is nothing beautiful about what you are. You are a monster.
Julian – [chuckles] Oh, you old flatterer, you.
[Back in Vega, at House Riesen, Arika, Claire and Gates are eating]

Arika – Still no word on Zoe?

Gates – No. Our rebel friends have gone quiet. Not even yours truly can find them. And Zoe made off with a crate, and we have no idea what was in it. [As Arika watches, Claire takes something off Gates’ plate and eats it. She notes the chemistry between the pair as they both laugh] What if we took a page out of Gabriel’s playbook? Stop chasing Zoe ourselves and let someone closer to her do the job for us.
Claire – Yeah, we plaster her face all over the Vega and offer a reward to anyone who brings her in.
Genius. Yeah. A bounty on Zoe’s head. Dead or alive.
[Speaking of Zoe, we cut to her HQ, where she is tossed a set of keys and a wooden box full of C-4 is carefully moved]

Man – One, two, three.
[Jasper walks in and looks at a military truck] – Sweet ride. How long before Claire notices it’s missing?

Zoe – Only 24 hours. She’s been keeping a close eye on the barracks since Mills got snatched up.
Jasper – Hey, if we’re gonna die, we might as well go out with a bang and a four-wheel drive, right?

David – Blowing up buildings, really? That’s the plan?

Jasper – Actually, my plan was to shoot you [pauses] but I’m not the boss.
David – In case you didn’t notice, they aren’t building mega casinos anymore. What’re you trying to do, turn Vega into a refugee camp?

Zoe – For some of us, it already is.

Suddenly a man bursts in and starts shooting.
Jasper – Zoe, get down! [He pushes her out of the way of the gunfire and returns fire. He is shot]

Zoe – Jasper!

[Whele gets a gun from a dead man and shoots the intruder, but one of Zoe’s men pulls a gun on Whele]
V1 – Hey. Stay. Stay there. Sit down. [Whele obeys. The V1 rolls over the body of the intruder]
V1 – He’s one of ours.
[Zoes tends to Jasper, who has been shot in the abdomen]

V1 [Pulling a flyer from the dead man’s clothes]- Zoe?

Zoe [to Jasper]- Hold pressure right there.
V1 – I think you better see this.
Zoe [taking the flyer away and reading it] – “Vega is offering a lifetime of food and shelter to the family of anyone who captures or ki kills Zoe Holloway.”

[Back in New Delphi, Noma returns to Julian’s quarters and finds Riesen a little roughed up]

Noma – What happened? Where’s Julian?

Riesen – Well, I don’t know whether it was the angel or the human part, but I think one of them just kicked my ass.
Noma – Are you okay?

Riesen – Yeah, I’m fine. Now, the Amphora is it safe?

Noma – Yeah, but Alex won’t be. Not with Julian free. I’ve got to find him before Julian does. Sure you’re okay?

Risen [weakly] – Yeah. [Noma rushes out]

[Back to Vega. Zoe lifts Jasper’s shirt to look at his wound]
Jasper – That bad, huh?

Zoes – We got to get you help fast.
Jasper – We can’t go out there. Everyone’ll be looking for you.
Zoe – It’s my face on that paper, not yours. [She starts trying to dress the wound]
Jasper – Zoe people die outside V-1 clinics every day just trying to get in. Even if I did, there’d be no doctors and no medicine. No, I’m better off here with you.
Zoe – Look, I’ll negotiate a cease-fire with Claire, use our weapons as leverage. Get you a doctor.
Jasper – You’re crazy. They’ll take you hostage. You want us both to die? [groaning] I’ll go. [He tries to get up]
Zoe – No.
Jasper – Come on, what’s the worst Claire can do? Shoot me again?

Zoe – Look, just try to stay calm, okay? I’ll find someone to send, don’t worry.
Jasper – Who? [panting] For a bounty like that, hell, I’d turn you in myself.
David – I’m available.
Zoe – Nice try.
David – Negotiating’s what I do. You said it yourself you got no one else to send.
Zoe – How do I know you won’t bolt?

David – And go where? Everyone in the city thinks I have a predilection for eight-ball sex. I’m a pariah, down here, up there doesn’t matter. The fact is, I’m probably safer with you than anywhere else in Vega. Come on, Zoe, look around. I’ve already given you food, a place to hide. Frankly, I think I’m the only one who’s keeping this little operation going. I just saved your life, didn’t I? Now, let me save his.
[Back at House Riesen, Gates enters where Arika and Claire are sitting]

Gates – Claire. We just got a message from Zoe. She wants to negotiate.
Claire – Any conditions?

Gates – She wants to sit down at a mutually agreed upon place and a few basic medical supplies.
Claire – Someone must have been hurt.

Arika – Zoe will send an emissary. So should you. I’m willing to go on your behalf.
Claire – No, it’s too dangerous.

Gates – Arika, you just got here.
Arika – To help Claire in any way possible I put down two rebellions in Helena. These radicals usually send whichever lackey draws the shortest straw. I’ll hear their demands and report back to you.
Claire – Okay.
[In New Delphi. Alex rounds a corner and finds Julian with one of his security guards]

Julian – Alex. Alex! You bring this kind of carnage with you wherever you go?

Alex – Where’s Noma and Riesen?

Julian – I needed to talk to you. Don’t worry, they’re fine. Now, my guards inform me that not one but two archangels have found their way into my city. That’s a 25-year record broken. Have you ever wondered why Michael hasn’t just killed Gabriel yet, hmm? Michael could end this war right now if he wanted. But he won’t.
Alex – What are you talking about?

Julian – They’re brothers, Alex. They’re twins. God created them out of darkness in the exact same moment. Can you imagine? [laughs] Even a dyad’s bond is nothing compared to theirs. Now, look, I know you and Michael are close; loyalty is an admirable quality in a foot soldier. But you came here to lead an army, win a war, and sacrifices must be made, my friend. Now, Michael trusts you. If you lure him into the trap, Gabriel will follow. You can save Vega, Alex, but it comes at a price. You trap Michael, you kill Gabriel, and you end this war.

Alex [draws his sword and puts it against Julian’s throat] – Or I could just kill you right now.
Julian – But you won’t because you know I’m right. I’ve waited thousands of years for this moment, and I can’t live with myself if Gabriel gets away. Can you?

[Arika enters the negotiation space as she sees David there with the V-1]

Arika – I’ve seen men go to great lengths to get my attention before, David, but this is extreme. [She tosses a bag onto the table] Even for you.

David – [going through the bag] The boy is dying, Arika. He needs a doctor, not a fistful of vitamins.
Arika – Antibiotics and painkillers are in short supply. A doctor can be arranged quickly when Zoe and her rebels turn themselves in.
David – Zoe sent me to arrange a cease-fire, not a surrender.
Arika [to the V1] – Excuse me, who are you?

V1 – Zoe sent me to keep an eye on him.
Arika – A one-on-one negotiation. Those were the terms we agreed upon. Let me know when your people get serious. [She starts to leave but stops once David explains]
David [to the V1] – She won’t talk with you here. Do you want Jasper to die because of you?

V1 – I’ll be right outside. [He leaves]
Arika – Now, where were we?

David – You have to get me out of here. Tell Claire I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Whele Tower.
Arika – David, you slept with an eight-ball.
David – We both know that’s bullshit. Claire just has to release a statement exonerating –

Arika – David, shut up. Tell me about Zoe. The crate, what’s inside?

David – C-4. Maybe a few hundred pounds. They stole a truck this morning. Plan is to blow up Caesars Palace and Claire with it.
Arika – When?

David – Tomorrow morning.
Arika – Convince Zoe to turn herself in.
David – There’s not a lot of reasoning with an anarchist. They want everything to go bad. That’s the whole point.
Arika – Then you’re going to have to bring us the explosives yourself.
David – You can’t be serious.
Arika – Claire needs this little situation resolved, so she can focus on the real war, the one outside Vega. Bring us that truck in three hours, and we’ll return the favor.
David – What does that mean?

Arika – A comfortable life. V-3 or above. Your reputation restored.
David – How do I know Claire will keep her end of the deal?

Arika – You have three hours. [Leaving]

[In New Delphi. Gabriel and Michael inspect the carnage]
Gabriel – Have you found the boy?

Michael – Julian’s not a human. He’s a dyad. Only disembodied higher angels are powerful enough to form a dyad with a human soul.
Gabriel – All the more reason to bring this city to its knees. [To his lackey] Do it now. [Alarm sounds] Once in a while, humans come up with something quite clever. Military defense protocol designed to keep the enemies out or our enemies in.
Woman’s voice – Lockdown activated in ten minutes.
Michael – No. We need to get Alex out of here.
Gabriel – I’ll help you with Alex once I lay waste to this city. Julian’s been killing our brothers and sisters for decades, Michael, while we looked the other way. Not anymore.
Michael – It’s too dangerous. Protect yourself. Let me finish this.
Gabriel – I ran from this city once. I won’t do it again.
[Michael slices Gabriel in the heel – in his Achilles tendon]

Michael – Your recklessness has got us into trouble before. I can’t take that chance now. You’ll heal in time, but this is the only way to protect you from Julian and Alex from you. I can’t let either of you be harmed. If you can’t walk or run, you can’t be part of this. You can only fly, away from here.
Gabriel – Michael, don’t do this alone!

[Meanwhile back at House Riesen, Claire is watching Whele on a closed circuit camera]

Claire – I purged him to the V-1s two days ago, and now he’s speaking on behalf of a V-1 rebellion?

Gates – Gotta admit, I’m kinda impressed.
Arika – We all know David has certain underhanded tendencies, but in this case, he’s right where we want him.
Claire – Yeah, but he’s a politician, not a secret agent. Do you really think he can steal the explosives on his own?

Arika – David’s a man who gets what he wants. And right now, there’s nothing he wants more than to be back up here with us.
Gates – Oh, damn it. Our tail just lost David in part of the northwest quad where the surveillance cameras are down. They must have known. I mean, it narrows the search, but –

Claire – If Zoe detonates that much C-4, how much damage are we talking?

Gates – Four or five city blocks or more. We need to evacuate right now.
Claire – No, evacuation sends the wrong message.
Gates – Yes, “we want to live,” which is a message I am perfectly okay with.
Claire [to her guards] – I am not running away. Create a perimeter ten blocks wide. I don’t want any military trucks near this hotel. If David delivers for us, making him a V-1 could actually turn out to be the smartest move I ever made.
[Back at Zoe’s HQ she is giving Jasper something to drink. Whele and the V-1 walk in. She sees the bag]

Zoe – This is it?

David – Claire won’t send a doctor unless you turn yourself in.
V-1 – She put a soldier on us too. We had to take the crowded alley behind Circus Circus to shake him.
[Zoe opens the bag

V-1 [to David, handcuffing him] – Sit.
David – I thought we had an understanding.
Zoe – Yeah, and I thought you could get Jasper help. I guess we were both wrong. [Zoe looks at Jasper’s wound and is visibly concerned. She tosses keys to the V-1] Radio me if you need to.
Jasper – Zoe, what’s going on?

Zoe – I need to talk to our rebels in the Corps. I won’t wait until morning. We’re bombing Riesen Tower tonight. Vega will change, and I’m gonna make sure you live to see it. [Zoe leaves. Jasper pulls a gun on Whele]
[Cut to Michael in New Delphi, then a flashback. He and a young Alex are on a roof. Alex is looking through binoculars]

Michael – Always look for the highest perch. High places keep you safe, allow you to see what’s coming.
Alex – I wonder where my dad is right now. All he left me was a note.
Michael – My own father disappeared.
Alex – Did you leave you a note?

Michael – In a way. A message. But I can’t read it.
Alex – My dad has bad handwriting too. Those boys are gonna kill me.
Michael – Only if you let them.
Alex – They’re bigger than me. I’d be dead if you hadn’t stopped them.
Michael – This world is filled with monsters far worse than those boys, Alex. The blade I gave you [Alex opens a pocket knife] You must use it. We can’t wait for our fathers to return, Alex. We must fight our battles on our own.
Alex – Dad never taught me how.
Michael – Mine did. I’ll teach you. [Both smile]

[Present day, Alex is running through New Delphi with Julian’s men on his tail. Michael unfurls his wongs and takes out the men]
Alex – Michael, you were right about Julian. I should have listened to you.
Michael – But I abandoned you, Alex. I can’t change that.
Alex – You did what you had to.
[An alarm blares]

Women’s voice – System lockdown begins in five minutes.
Michael – The tunnels will be sealed in minutes. We need to get you out.
Alex – I’m not leaving Noma and Riesen here to die.
Michael – This way. Follow me. [They run out. We see a caduceus sign on the wall]

[Back at House Riesen. Claire is pacing around in the control room]
Gates – None of these chairs throne-like enough for the Lady of the City? Sit down. You’re making everyone nervous.
Claire – David is running out of time.
Gates – With no way of communicating with us. Didn’t Riesen ever teach you that patience is a virtue?

Claire – It is entirely possible that Zoe killed David the moment he got back to them and we’re standing around like idiots, waiting on a dead man. [Suddenly she gasps in pain and clutches her stomach]
Guard – Lady Riesen?

Claire – Call a doctor.
Gates – We need a medic in here.
Guard on radio- Medic to control room now.
Gates [carefully grabbing Claire’s arms] – What’s wrong? Talk to me.
[Back at Zoe’s HQ]

David (to Jasper) – May I help you? [He stands up and grabs a bottle of booze, which he passes over to a weak Jasper]

Don’t worry, Whele. I’m gonna make sure you don’t outlive me.
David – Well, that’s a relief.

[Back at New Delphi, Michael and Alex run into an empty room]
Michael – Where’s Noma and Riesen? [Blinding lights are turned on. Michael raises a hand to shield his eyes]
Alex – I’m sorry. [Michael is shot with a gun that covers him with an empyrean steel net] I meant what I said. I forgive you, Michael. Please forgive me. [Michael struggles against the net and is bleeding. Noma walks in]
Alex – Noma, get out of here! [Noma knocks out 2 of the guards]

Alex – Guards, stand down!

Noma – What are you doing?

Alex – 25 years. 6 billion people dead. It has to stop. Julian’s right. If we imprison Michael, Gabriel will come. This is my chance. Nomes, I gotta do this.
Michael – Alex, no!

Noma – You saw what that dyad did to Pete. Are you really gonna trust him?

Alex – No! But I have enemies to defeat, from the biggest to the smallest.
Noma – Alex

Alex – And they don’t get any bigger than Gabriel.
[Gabriel saunters in]

Gabriel – I’m standing right here, Alex. Why don’t you come and get me? I want a word with Julian, Alex.
Where is your new friend? [He unfurls his wings and knocks out a guard. Noma attacks another guard, who grabs her by the throat. Alex charges at Gabriel, sword drawn. They match swords, then Gabriel tosses Alex across the room. He lays on the floor, the wind knocked out of him. Gabriel walks over to Michael]

Gabriel – What has Alex done to you?

Michael – You promised you wouldn’t harm him. Get Alex out of here while there’s still time.
Gabriel – Is there anything this boy could do that could possibly turn you against him?

Michael – No. Our fates are tied.
[Alarm blaring]

Woman’s voice – Lockdown complete. Remain at your stations. Await further instructions.
Gabriel – How much of this must I endure? Look at us. You, me, Father. Our sister dead under a mountain. He’s tearing this family apart.
Alex – It’s not my fault your father left. I was a day old when you two started this war.
Gabriel – A coincidence? I don’t think so! You choose him over us every time. Well, Michael, I choose you. I’m going to save you, brother, by doing the one thing you can’t. [He looks at Alex menacingly]
[Back at Zoe’s HQ. Jasper is out of it. V-1 is loading his gun.]

Man on loudspeaker- Your attention. Curfew is now in effect.

[David takes this moment of inattentiveness to walk behind V-1 and choke him with his handcuffs. He picks up the rifle.]

[Back in House Riesen, Gates and Arika watch as the Helena doctor Daria attend to Claire]

Daria – If you come by the clinic, we can find out if it’s a boy or a girl.
Claire – Okay.
Daria – For now, best to get some rest.
Claire – None of us are getting any sleep tonight. Not with David out there. But I will take it easy. Thank you.

[Daria looks at Arika, who nods slightly. Daria leaves. Arika leans over and grabs Claire’s hand]

Arika – Everything’s going to be okay.
Claire – Thank you. [Arika walks out. Gates slowly walks over to Claire. He pours her some water]
Gates – Uh, a baby? Congratulations. Uh, If I’d known, I would never have

Claire – Kissed me? It’s okay. People do strange things when they think they’re about to die, right?

Gates – [chuckles] I know it’s not William’s. Claire, I saw a photograph of the two of you on your wedding day. I think the bouquet had stronger feelings for William than you did.
Claire – The father was a soldier. But he’s gone now, and I want to believe he’s still alive, but he can’t be because if he were, he – I’m sorry. [She stands up off the couch and paces]

Gates – Claire, I… Any man who loved you and loved your baby would be by your side right now if it were humanly possible. He was human, right?

Claire – All too human.
[Door opens]

Guard – Lady Riesen. A call just came in from the truck that went missing. [He hands her a walkie talkie] The man claims to be David Whele.
Claire – David? Whele, are you there?

David [sitting in a truck] – The explosives. I got them.
Claire – Tell us where you are and we’ll come get you.
David – Vega’s a beautiful city, isn’t it? We created something wonderful.
Claire – David, what’s going on? If you think I won’t honor our deal, you’re wrong. Just bring the C-4 to me, and you will never have to be a V-1 again. I promise.
David – No, no, I believe you.
Claire – So what’s the problem?

David – It takes so much to build something in this world, and so little to take it down.
Claire – Vega is not gonna fall tonight. David, we can make sure of that. We can do this together.
David – You could’ve killed me, Claire. Why didn’t you?

Claire – Because you’re a human being.
[laughing] Claire Riesen. Convinced she can save every person in this city all by herself. The V-1s taught me something, Claire. We’ve been dividing the people for years. Up there and down here. Vega’s like two different cities now. I’m starting to think that maybe it’s the way it should be.
Claire – David? David? [No response. She hands walkie to a soldier] I want Vega on lockdown, the whole city on high alert, every guard armed and ready for when David comes for us.

[Back in Zoe’s HQ, Jasper points a gun at David]
Jasper – Nice try. Any last words?

David – Get in.
Jasper – What?

David – I built this city when you were in diapers. You want to bring it down, I’m the guy who knows how. Come on, Jasper. You got a gun. Keep it on me, but get in the damn truck. You seem like a nice kid, and frankly you don’t have much time, so why don’t we go see you off with a bang? Come on.
Jasper [gets into truck] – Okay, old man. Where are we going?

David – Oh, straight to the top. [He starts up truck]

Back to New Delphi. Michael struggles against the net]
Michael – What would Father say?

Gabriel – I don’t know. Let’s bring him back and find out.
Michael – The markings on Alex’s body are Father’s final message. If you harm him, they’ll disappear forever.
Gabriel – What good is a message if nobody can read it?

Michael – Gabriel, please. Killing the boy won’t matter. All we ever needed was his skin.

[Alex pulls a sword on Gabriel but Gabriel clutches him by the throat]
Michael – If you kill him, you may as well kill me. I’ll never forgive you.
Gabriel [chuckles] – Oh, yes, you will.
[Julian’s soldiers come from behind and subdue Gabriel with a electric collar]

Julian – Put him down. Gently.
[One of the eight-balls speaks indistinctly in Lishepus. Gabriel unhands Alex, who falls to the ground]

Michael – Alex, are you okay?

Julian – Good work, Alex. Looks like you and I make a pretty good team. [His eyes flash black]
Alex – What are you waiting for? Kill him! Kill Gabriel now!

Julian – Patience, Alex. Patience. [He grabs a stool. Noma watches from a corner] So what do you think of this body of mine? It’s all right, isn’t it? Think it suits me. Much as I enjoy drifting in darkness, it is nice to be back on two feet again. You don’t recognize me, do you? Come on, Michael, think. All right, I’ll give you a clue. Last time you saw me, we burned two cities to the ground, but you looked down on my methods.
[Flashback to Sodom and Gomorrah]

Michael – Lyrae, you have broken the will of God and must be punished. [Blade plunges into Lyrae’s back and his spirit leaves]

Michael – Lyrae.
Julian – [chuckles] Mm. You banished me to the outer sphere for taking joy in delivering God’s punishment. But you were my inspiration, Michael. I learned it all from you.

Michael – I was wrong. I know that now.

Julian – It’s too late. You can’t escape the sins of your past, and you, too, must be punished.

[Gabriel breaks free and unfurls his wings to attack Julian’s men]
Alex -Use the Empyrean steel net! [A soldier fires the net at Gabriel

Gabriel – Come and get me.

[Another net is fired at Gabriel. Meanwhile Michael is using Alex’s knife to free himself]
Julian -Gotcha.
Soldier -Julian, he’s gone!

Julian – Find Michael! [We see the empty net]

[In Arika’s quarters, Daria is examining Uriel’s drawings of Alex’s tattoos]

Daria – These are beautiful. Who drew them?

Arika – An old friend. One foolishly obsessed with the Chosen One. [She gathers them up]
Daria – An old friend or a dead one?

Arika – A friend who outlived her usefulness.
Daria – You know I hate it when you’re cryptic. Please don’t treat me like I’m just another doctor of Helena. [She kisses the back of Arika’s neck]
Arika – I’ve always looked out for you, haven’t I?

Daria – I appreciate your protection, but I want your trust, too. I know you didn’t come back to Vega to play mentor.
Arika – I like Claire. She’s a strong and capable woman. Just the kind of leader the Cradle needs. Shame we have to take her city.
Daria – Then what are we waiting for? I should be cutting Claire’s throat, not caring for

Arika [sharply] – Careful, Daria. Even doctors can outlive their own usefulness.[She puts the drawings in a drawer]
Daria – You only spent a few days in Helena. It’s worse than you think.
Arika – I’ve heard the reports. I know the storms have worsened. Tiring our people. [She traces a finger seductively along Daria’s chest]. Weakening our defenses. Our city is running out of time. Soon Helena’s women will need a new home. That’s why we’re here, but we must first make room.

[Cut to New Delphi. Michael is trying to hide. He is in bad shape. He is weak and bleeding. ]

[Cut to flashback of Michael and young Alex]
Michael – I have to go.
Alex – Why? Wh Where are you going? You can’t just leave me here.
Michael – Trust your instincts. You will make the right choice.I have faith in you, Alex.

[Back to New Delphi. Alex looks at empty net]
Noma – What is it?

[Alex bends down and picks up his knife. Flashback to him and Michael sitting on roof, smiling at each other as Alex plays with the knife]

[Back to present]

Alex – What have I done, Nomes?

[Cut to Vega. Zoe returns to her HQ and sees David and Jasper gone and her V-1 on the floor]

Zoe [on walkier] – Jasper! Jasper, are you there?

David [carrying a box as he and Jasper count out their location in footsteps in tunnels] – 148, 149, 150. [He sets up some C-4]

Zoe’s voice on walkie – Jasper, do you read me?

Jasper – Relax, Zoe. I’m here.

David – Zoe, listen up. You got to do exactly as I say. Get the V-1s out of the tunnels, now. Get them to run. Understand?

Zoe – What Why?

David – Because if there are any V-1s left in the tunnels in [to Jasper] How long do we have?

Jasper – Ten minutes.
David – In ten minutes, they’re going to be dead.
Zoe – Jasper, tell me what’s going on.
Jasper – Do it, Zoe. Please.
Zoe – All right. [She is frantic, then runs out of HQ]

[Cut to House Riesen. Gates and Arika are with Claire]
Arika – What can I do? I’m here to help.
Gates – Claire, I’m getting reports that V-1s are moving east out of the tunnels and they’re in a hurry.
Claire – Those tunnels lead all the way across Vega. That’s thousands of people.

[Cut to many screaming V-1s running from tunnels]

[Cut to Claire’s face, then her reaction to an explosion. We see a series of explosions in a straight line, then turning the right into another straight line. Cut to Jasper and David in the truck, David is manning controls of explosions]
David [in awe] – Oh

Jasper -Holy shit.

[An entire tunnel is consumed in flames. We see David chuckle in delight. Cut back to House Riesen]
Gates – The agri-tower’s on the other side. I think David just stole our food.
Claire – He did more than that. He split the city in two. David Whele just started a civil war.

[More tunnels consumed in flames, then cut to black].

The End

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